5 Lesser Known Facts About Occupational Therapy

Sep 01, 2023
5 Lesser Known Facts About Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy is an essential tool in concussion recovery and other neurological care. Read on to uncover important facts about occupational therapy and its benefits. 

Concussions, also called mild traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), have potential long-term impacts on cognition and overall well-being. With millions of concussions happening annually, they account for much of the demand for neurorehabilitation services. 

For neurorehabilitation, an interdisciplinary approach is essential for brain injury recovery. At Delaware NeuroRehab occupational therapists, speech therapists, psychologists, and neuropsychologists contribute to your care. In this blog, we'll explore several lesser-known facts about the role of occupational therapy, especially as it pertains to neurorehabilitation. 

1. A wide reach

Occupational therapy benefits people with a wide range of diagnoses. At Delaware NeuroRehab, in Dover and Wilmington, our occupational therapists routinely see patients experiencing neurological challenges, such as:

  • Concussions and other TBIs
  • Stroke
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Multiple sclerosis

Occupational therapy isn’t limited to neurological care. It can treat a host of other mental and physical conditions that impact your ability to engage in daily tasks and activities. 

2. Not the same as physical therapy, but equally beneficial

While both services rehabilitate or recover necessary skills, occupational therapy focuses on fine motor skills and intricate movements. In contrast, physical therapy focuses on larger movements, strength, and flexibility. There’s an overlap between the two, but each offers distinctive advantages. Occupational therapy for concussion/mild TBI focuses on vision therapy, vestibular therapy, cognitive therapy, balance training, and endurance training to name a few. You might also benefit from speech therapy, psychology, and neuropsychological testing. 

3. Tailored to your evolving needs

Occupational therapists provide advanced evaluations to assess your skills. That empowers them to specify the skills that need the most work and adjust your care plan accordingly. 

4. A holistic practice

Occupational therapy takes a holistic approach. While treating you, your occupational therapist considers your health and well-being in its entirety rather than only focusing on a particular part. We also consider your lifestyle and integrate the activities most important to you into your care plan. 

5. Recovering your ability to be productive and enjoy life

Through tailored occupational therapy, you can restore your independence. Occupational therapy trains you to participate in daily life and all of its demands, no matter how small. Your occupational therapist helps you define your goals. We use activities as therapeutic tools for your recovery. 

Concussion recovery is not a one-size-fits-all journey. It requires a collaborative effort from our team of health care professionals to address the diverse challenges individuals may encounter. Occupational therapists contribute their unique expertise to help you reach your goals in recovery. 

To consult with our team about using occupational therapy to reach your goals, call Delaware NeuroRehab or request an appointment online today.